The Best Blog Titles for a Post: 6 Step By Step Guide

What is the Best Blog Title for a blog? Every blogger has pondered this question before writing their first article, and with over 1 billion blogs in existence right now, there’s no lack of competition to find the best headlines you can.

Luckily, there are some great resources to use when you need great titles.

1) 10 Tips When Writing a Blog Post Title

  1. Don’t use words that most people do not understand unless you feel like there is an explanation below.
  2. Be as specific as possible when describing the topic of your post, but be as broad in what the overall idea is at the same time.
  3. Try to use titles that will intrigue the reader and make them want to read more about it, but don’t promise anything too good because there might be too many other distractions with flashy titles.
  4. Be sure that the headline sounds interesting and provides some information to see if the person has any interest before they click on the link.
  5. If you are looking for ways to increase engagement, consider including keywords or phrases in headlines so that readers who have already seen it may be interested again in your latest updates on this topic.
  6. Ask others their opinion if they have any feedback; people who write content regularly will know what they think would work best depending on how technical or complex your subject matter is, so consider using their input to guide you in finding the best title for a blog post!
  7. Consider different styles such as questions or lists when creating your titles. These styles tend to catch the eye and make readers curious about what could happen next.
  8. A good general guideline for creating the best title for a blog post is that it should answer three questions-what? why? how? When answering these questions, create compelling headlines so that people actually want to read through all of your blog posts!
  9. It is important that you try to convey something about the message of your blog post without revealing too much information (since this may lead people away from reading it).
  10. One good way to keep readers engaged is by using language that is engaging and understandable for everyone. For example, if someone has just recently completed their first marathon, then you should include words related to running and running shoes since runners are likely going to want the new updates from a marathon runner. Also, remember that longer headlines take up more space so try cutting back on length by giving key points instead of full explanations.

2) 5 Ways to Choose One Word as Your Title

Choosing the perfect title is like finding the right name for your child. You need it to be both attractive and meaningful because you want people to know what they’ll get when they visit your blog.

I think this quote sums it up best: “An intriguing headline can pull in readers like a flashlight attracts moths.” So how do you write an attractive blog title? Here are five tried-and-true strategies!

  1. Finding 1- One word that encompasses your entire topic – One thing that sets good headlines apart from great headlines is selecting one word with strong ties to your topic. For example, a popular recipe blogger might select words like comfort, fresh, or delicious as their headline.
  2. Using numbers – Adding numbers to your title also helps make it more eye-catching; just make sure there are at least 3 numbers total in your blog post (or else it could come across as spammy).
  3. Including quotations – Quotations work well for titles if you’re trying to capture someone’s opinion on the subject matter. They also set your blog apart from others who may have similar topics but different perspectives. The quote should be short so it fits within the title, but long enough to give some insight into what you will cover in the body of your post.
  4. Being creative with puns – Punny titles may not always sound serious, but they’re often memorable and stick out among other posts that use a more literal approach. They can also help establish branding since people associate them with blogs or brands they’ve seen before.
  5. Using keywords – If your topic is technical or complicated, using keywords will help your readers find you. However, if you use too many keywords and it sounds unnatural, your post won’t be as effective. Also keep in mind that if you plan to target non-English speaking countries for readers, some words may not translate well.

3) Use the Formatting Rules of Professional Writers

The best titles for a blog are those that will catch the reader’s attention.

You don’t want your title to be so vague that people don’t know what your blog is about, and you want it to be clear enough that people will understand what the focus of your posts is going to be.

Some best blog title examples are Why Unsolicited Feedback Is Ruining Your Career or How I Gave Up My Job in Finance To Become A Youtuber.

The best blog Title for a blog can also use catchy phrases such as 3 Steps To Successful Project Management.

In order to determine the best titles for your posts, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What am I talking about?
  2. What’s my goal with this post?
  3. Who do I think my readers are?
  4. Will this interest them?
  5. How many people might be searching online for this topic at any given time?

4) Choosing the Perfect Length of your Title

You have to choose a title that’s catchy and has the reader’s interest from the get-go. You shouldn’t sound too pushy or sound like you’re bragging.

You also don’t want your title to be too long because then it’ll seem daunting and might make readers feel like they have to read something they don’t want to.

But one of the most important things is that you want your blog post title to be relevant and interesting.

The Best Blogging Titles MyXFinTech
The Best Blogging Titles

What are some short-best blog title examples? Types of Headlines

How To Get Rid Of Excess Hair Growth,
Is Male Pattern Baldness Hereditary? or Why Men Lose Their Hair?
The Worst Title in the World! What Do I Do Now?
6 Reasons Why Your Hair Is Growing Faster Than Usual
5 Foods That Are Natural Aphrodisiacs!
Keep it Short, Sweet, and Straightforward
What is an example of a title?
What are some good headlines?
How do you write an attractive blog title?
What is the best title for a blog?


These are some of the short and best blog titles for blog or headlines, The best blog titles are clear, concise, and convey what your post will be about.

They should also make people want to read your blog post.

Here’s how to write titles that do all of that.

Choosing your best blog title starts with understanding your audience, and deciding what you want to communicate.

There are two major components of any good title or headline — it should be intriguing enough that someone wants to keep reading, but it also needs to communicate your message clearly in just a few words.

5) Emotionally Charged Words Are More Effective

The best blog titles for blogs will be emotionally charged and compelling, but not too vague. For example, many people would say that I’m Feeling Sad is an emotionally charged and compelling headline.

However, I’m Feeling Sad is too vague. It’s more effective to use more specific, emotionally charged words and phrases in your headlines to give your readers an idea of what you’re going to talk about.

Even though there are endless combinations of different words and phrases that could be used in titles, there are several types of these that tend to work better than others.

These can include collective nouns, action verbs, emotionally charged words, and numbers or statistics.

6) Keep it Relevant And Useful To Your Audience

Your blog title is the first thing people will read on your blog and it determines whether they will click to check out your content or not.

A good title should be relevant, useful, and have enough information in it to make you want to click. The best blog titles are ones that are concise and contain keywords that are relevant to your blog posts.

 A good title will quickly tell readers what your post is about, so it’s an important part of your content marketing strategy.

It should be short and clear and mention some of the most prominent words from your post so people can easily identify if it’s something that interests them or not.

For example, if you write about how to improve email subject lines, then a good title could be “How To Write Better Email Subject Lines In 7 Easy Steps.”

The title should also include one or two of your strongest keywords, but don’t go overboard.

Remember that even though search engines are smart today when it comes to understanding context and keyword placement, they’re still machines at heart.

Keep your titles concise and relevant to drive traffic back to your site or business pages.

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