How to Make Money Fast as a Woman – 18 Proven Ways

As a woman, you don’t want to feel like you have to choose between your career and having enough time to take care of your family.

Some women even end up choosing not to work at all because the prospect of being in the workforce just seems too daunting.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! There are many ways that you can make money fast as a woman so that you can balance your career and your family obligations without feeling like you need to compromise in any way.

Check out these 18 proven ways to make money fast as a woman, and learn how to make it happen!

You could spend hours looking at different websites or apps to find ways how to make money fast as a woman, but below I’ve outlined some helpful ideas for how to start making money without quitting your job.

1) Sell your clothes

I recently found this great website called Poshmark. It’s not just for clothes but you can buy anything that is in good condition.

Sellers and buyers keep all of the money, so there are no fees! You can also sell on Facebook and locally too.

Check it out, it’s my favorite way to make money as a woman who has never been interested in fashion or beauty products. -This site even offers free shipping and free return shipping!

There is no selling limit, which means you can make as much money here as you want!

You don’t need to be a professional photographer either: people will rate your product and tell you what they like about it or what they would change.

So why not give it a try? It’s absolutely FREE.

Here are more tips to help increase your chances of making some quick cash -Sell unused items:

There are several different sites out there where you can sell your old clothes, electronics, furniture, and even cars!

One popular option is eBay which has been around since 1995. They allow sellers to create free listings where buyers then bid on what they want to purchase.

The catch? You must pay a small listing fee which typically ranges between $0-$20 and if the item doesn’t sell after 30 days you’ll lose your listing fee as well as have to buy back the item yourself.

2) Participate in online surveys

Surveys are always looking for people to take their surveys. This is an easy way to make money online, but it’s also one of the most tedious ways.

It can take anywhere from ten minutes to two hours depending on the survey, so it’s best if you do this with some TV or music in the background so you’re not just sitting there staring at the screen for hours on end.

You’ll want to find reputable websites that will actually pay out, though.

It’s important that when you’re filling out surveys you fill them out completely and answer all questions as accurately and honestly as possible.

Otherwise, they won’t be able to use your data and they’ll have wasted your time! Also, check around the site to see how many points you need before you get paid.

Some companies might require 10 points before they send out a payout while others might require more like 50 points before they’ll send anything over.

If the company requires 50 points before you get paid, it may not be worth your time unless these are super short surveys that only take about 5 minutes each.

Lastly, know how much every point is worth before signing up for any company so that you don’t accidentally waste too much of your time completing surveys for only $1 or $2 per point when there are other companies paying 10x as much per point.

Top 10 Servey Sites

3) Do odd jobs

Do odd jobs for neighbors, friends, and family. Offer services like massages, haircuts, and home-cooked meals.

Do some research on how you can make money fast as a woman online or how to make money fast as a woman you will get some odd result

Take the time to think about what type of skills you have that are in demand. Many people have hobbies that they could easily turn into a side business.

For example, if you’re an avid baker, offer your baked goods as treats at local events or on sites such as Etsy.

If you love photography, start taking pictures of pets and families and selling them through social media sites such as Facebook or Instagram. You never know what will take off!

So try something new, do something you enjoy (even if it’s not one of the examples above), and don’t be afraid to share it with others.

In the process of trying new things, maybe you’ll find your true calling or hobby. Who knows? But there is only one way to find out: by giving it a try!

Also Check: 11 Dirty Ways To Make Money Online

4) Sell your Handmade goods

People are always looking for new ways to make money and if you’re willing to put in the time, making money from your craft is possible.

Whether you’re an artist, designer, or crafter, you can use your talents to make some extra cash. You don’t need expensive equipment or training either.

These are seven steps that will help get you started:

  • 1) Decide what kind of product you want to sell.
  • 2) Create a website or blog where people can view your products and purchase them online.
  • 3) Network with other artists to build your customer base by giving away samples of your goods at shows, conferences, trade fairs, etc.
  • 4) Consider selling on social media sites like Facebook or Etsy.
  • 5) Promote your work on Instagram by tagging the company’s account and using relevant hashtags (e.g., #jewelry).
  • 6) Keep up with industry trends so that you know how to adjust prices and diversify offerings.
  • 7) Track inventory by logging every order into a spreadsheet or app (e.g., Evernote).

The benefits of selling crafts go beyond just making money fast as a woman – it’s also about creating something beautiful with your hands! With this business venture, not only will you be able to create beauty for yourself but for others as well.

5) Become a Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants are on the rise and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t consider becoming one.

You can make money as fast as a woman by doing some online research and finding local companies that are in need of virtual assistance.

With just one hour of work per day, you could potentially make $5,000 per month. Plus, you don’t have to go into an office or deal with people face-to-face!

You could be working from home by tomorrow, too. There are plenty of resources online that can get you started.

Also Check: How To Become a VA ( Virtual Assistant )

6) Rent out a room in your house

If you have an extra room, consider renting it out. You can either do the work yourself or hire someone else to do the work for you.

A website like AirBnB can be used for this. If you’re comfortable living with strangers and want to make money quickly, put up ads on sites such as Craigslist or your local newspaper.

You can also rent out your entire house on vacation sites like VRBO. Make money fast as a woman online: Your goal is to get the most bang for your buck by earning from multiple streams of income.

To make money fast as a woman, you’ll need to figure out how much time you have each day and what skills are best suited for making quick cash.

Put all of that together in order to maximize how much you earn per hour and per week.

7) Start Dropshipping

Credit: Biaheza

Dropshipping is an e-commerce business model in which the store owner doesn’t stock inventory. Instead, when an order is placed, they purchase the item from a third party and have it shipped directly to the customer’s door.

This means there’s less upfront risk for you, the entrepreneur. The downside of dropshipping is that you’ll have less control over customer service and shipping times.

That said, if you’re willing to manage these aspects of your own business, dropshipping can be a great way to make money fast with little investment.

Here are some tips on how to get started:

  • Research popular products by doing price comparisons on Google Shopping or Amazon.
  • You can even find wholesale companies through Alibaba (though keep in mind there will be extra fees).
  • Once you’ve found a product you like, create your store using Shopify (they offer templates), or upload it on eBay/Amazon/Etsy if they allow this type of thing.
  • Order samples so that you know what quality of product will come with each shipment (you don’t want buyers disappointed).
  • Keep your prices competitive but not too low—you still need to make money!

8) Offer pet-sitting services

Offer pet-sitting services

If you’re looking for a way to make money fast as a woman, consider offering pet-sitting services.

You can offer this service virtually anywhere, and the best part is that you don’t need much equipment or training.

If you’re worried about your lack of experience, it’s not necessary because pet owners will be more concerned with whether or not their pets have been cared for than how skilled the sitter is.

A few qualifications are necessary though:

  • 1) Get your homeowners insurance;
  • 2) Take an online course in animal caretaking; and
  • 3) Join the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters.

These steps will help you feel confident in your ability to provide quality care for pets while helping you earn money fast! This may be just the opportunity you’ve been waiting for, so why not give it a try?

9) Tutor students online

Tutoring is one of the best ways for women to earn money fast. The great thing about tutoring is that you can do it anytime, anywhere, with anyone.

With some training and experience, you could be earning an average of $25-$50 per hour!

Here are some ways that women have made money fast as a tutor:

  • 1) Offer private sessions at home or in your neighborhood
  • 2) Teach online through sites like TutorVista or Chegg Tutors
  • 3) Work in academic settings such as teaching SAT prep courses or assisting with math homework at schools during after-school hours.
  • 4) Help students with homework assignments by reviewing topics they’re struggling with via Skype.
  • 5) Teach English or foreign languages to students in your area.

10) Make Money Blogging

One way to make money as fast as a woman is by starting a blog. You can start your own blog for free and monetize your site with affiliate links, advertising, and sponsored posts.

The more traffic you get, the more opportunities you’ll have for making money. There are many ways you can grow your site’s traffic including networking on social media, guest posting on related blogs, and submitting articles to directories like Ezine Articles.

Another strategy is publishing popular content that will earn you backlinks from other websites.

You can also make money blogging by becoming an Amazon affiliate: when people buy products on Amazon after clicking one of your links, they pay commission fees which are then shared with you if certain qualifications are met.

A great tip for new bloggers is to look at Amazon’s best sellers list and see what topics people are looking for information on.

For example, there was a time when I looked up how to quit smoking because I had read somewhere that quitting cold turkey was harder than gradually weaning off tobacco, so I started writing about it.

When I did a search later in the day (maybe 20 minutes or so) my post showed up in Google searches.

It turns out there were quite a few searches being done about quitting smoking around the same time as me!

Also Check: Start a Blog and make money

11) Do Some Freelance work

Freelancing is one of the best ways to make money fast as a woman, and it has some great benefits too.

You can work from home, set your own hours, and choose what projects you want to work on. Plus, you can pursue any type of freelance work that you’re interested in.

Here are some popular freelance gigs for women:

  • 1) Ghostwriting
  • 2) Website content
  • 3) Freelance marketing jobs

Start by looking online for potential clients or posting your services on sites like UpWork or Guru.

Once you start getting projects, it’s important to establish clear communication with your clients so that they get what they’re expecting and you get paid quickly.

For example, you might use a contract template like this one if you’ll be working remotely. It covers all the bases—including deadlines and how much time should be spent working on each project—so that there aren’t any surprises later on.

If this sounds good to you, then give yourself plenty of time to create an impressive portfolio before contacting potential employers or setting up a shop. The more samples of your work, the better!

12) Become a website or Logos Designer

If you love designing websites or logos, then consider taking on freelance jobs. Websites or logos designers charge anywhere from $50-to $500 per project depending on what the client needs.

You can start by registering for an account on one of several freelance platforms such as Fiverr, Freelancer, and Upwork.

These sites allow you to take on any number of projects posted by individuals or businesses looking for someone with your expertise.

The platform takes care of all payments and communications, so you don’t need to spend hours doing extra research.

However, you will still be expected to deliver high-quality work within a certain deadline.

13) Start a YouTube channel

Credit: Ali Abdaal

YouTube is one of the most popular websites on the internet, and many people use it for watching videos.

It’s also an excellent opportunity for women who are looking for ways to make money fast. You can create your own channel and start uploading content that you want others to watch.

Once you have enough subscribers, there are tons of ways you can make money from your YouTube channel.

You can monetize your video through Google AdSense which will allow viewers to see advertisements when they’re watching your video.

The more views you get, the more money you’ll be making with this option.

Another way is through affiliate links- if someone clicks on a link in one of your videos and buys something online like say clothes or makeup then you will receive a commission based on their purchase!

You can also charge people or businesses to sponsor or advertise their products within your videos!

14) Become a Social Media Management

The first step in how to make money fast as a woman is finding out what you are really good at. For example, I might be really good at taking photos on my phone and editing them with Instagram filters.

If this is the case, I could take on photography clients and charge $25 per photo shoot. But if I’m not much of an artist, then I would want to find something else that I am really good at that relates back to my original idea.

Once you have your idea figured out, it’s time to put together a plan of how exactly you’re going to make money fast!

This can be challenging for some people because they might not have experience running their own businesses or managing their own Social Media.

While social media platforms are excellent for staying in touch with friends and family, they can also be used to generate revenue.

You can start your own social media management business as a woman and earn money by assisting others in building and maintaining their online presence.

In today’s digital world, nearly every business requires an active social media presence, and you can use your skills to assist them in growing their online following and reaching out to their target audience.

You can set your own hours, work from home, and earn an income that fits your lifestyle by starting your own social media management business.

15) Become a Voice Artist

If you have what it takes, this is an excellent way to make money fast. You can work from home or do gigs on the side.

There are also plenty of opportunities for training and certification if you really want to become an expert at this type of work. And best of all, with voice-over, your age and gender are irrelevant!

Keep in mind that there’s no shortage of competition when it comes to these jobs, so be prepared to hustle and market yourself.

Start off by updating your website or blog with examples of your voice-over work and include some testimonials about how good you are.

Networking will also be important because this career requires relationships—and yes, those happen online too.

Join Facebook groups related to voice-over work and start making connections by commenting on other people’s posts and inviting them to like your page.

When it comes time for a gig, take advantage of social media sites like Voice123 where people post their job’s wanted listings.

Don’t forget YouTube either; there are tons of tutorials available just waiting for someone like you to watch them!

16) Become a Transcriptionist

Credit: Jennifer Marie

Transcriptionists are an asset to any company and can be one of the best ways for women to make money fast, too. There are many different transcriptionist jobs available in various fields.

The skills needed for all of these jobs are great listening and typing skills. Transcriptionists work on audio or video files and transcribe them into written text.

This can be done remotely or from home, depending on what kind of work you’re looking for.

Some transcriptionist jobs require certain experience, but others don’t; your skills will vary depending on which field you’re interested in pursuing.

Medical transcriptionists need strong medical terminology knowledge along with excellent communication skills in order to accurately transcribe medical records from voicemail messages, phone calls, and patient visits.

17) Wedding Planner

A wedding planner will take the burden of planning your big day off your shoulders. This service is worth every penny because you’ll have more time for other things and won’t worry about all the details.

A wedding planner can handle everything from finding the perfect venue to booking vendors, catering, and cake tastings- basically anything that needs to be planned before the big day.

The best part is they do it all while you’re doing whatever you want! And if you don’t have a budget in mind, no worries; the average cost for this kind of service ranges anywhere from $3K-$5K.

18) Become a Makeup artist

Makeup artistry is one of the most lucrative jobs for women because it is such an in-demand service. Although it can require more schooling and practice, the payoff is worth it.

There are many different kinds of work available in this field, so there should be something that fits your interest

In general, makeup artists will charge anywhere from $25 to $350 per hour.

This means that you could make anywhere from $25-$350 in just one hour! But don’t forget about those tips!

In some cases, makeup artists can earn a few hundred dollars or even more for just one day’s work! If you’re considering becoming a makeup artist, First you need to be good at it.

Make Money Fast As A Woman
Make Money Fast As A Woman


As you can see, there are tons of ways for women to make money fast. Whether you’re looking for a part-time job, need an extra income stream, or have something else in mind, there are plenty of options out there.

Remember that it’s okay if you’re not one of the lucky few who make money right away. Just keep trying new things and eventually, you’ll find your niche. It may take time, but it will be worth it!

You can’t expect anything to come to you overnight. That just doesn’t happen. The only way success is going to find you is if you put in the work! So get off your phone, stop complaining about how much work it is, and do something already!

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